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SMS Alerts for Global Entry, SENTRI, and NEXUS Travel Programs

There are plenty of ways to keep yourself updated with your Global Entry, SENTRI, or NEXUS travel program application. Yet among the different options, SMS notifications are the most preferred by many applications. If you want to know why you too should consider using text message alerts, then this article is for you.

Timely Notifications

With the help of SMS alerts, you will always be updated on the status of your application. This includes updates on your application status, policy and procedure changes, tsa wait times las vegas, membership renewal, and important information about the progress of your application. This will also alert you with scheduled interviews so you can stay informed and respond quickly with the SMS alerts.

Track Application Progress

It will be easier for you to monitor the status of your application if you receive timely text message updates. You will get notifications on the mobile number you assigned to your tracker. You will receive an update on any progress on your application, such as when your submission has been received, whether it is being reviewed, or if a decision has been made. It is very important that you get updated with your Global Entry, SENTRI, or NEXUS program application or membership renewal.

Interview Reminders and Updates

If you are waiting for your interview schedule or any update on your application, an SMS alert or tracker can be very helpful. It can provide you with text message reminders to avoid forgetting important appointments. You also get to prepare for the interview in advance despite your busy schedule if you receive notifications for your upcoming appointment. In addition, you will also be notified immediately through SMS of any changes or updates to your interview schedule.

Program Updates and Changes

Global Entry, SENTRI, and NEXUS policies and requirements may change anytime. This depends on the guidelines set in place by the CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection). And if you receive SMS notifications you will be updated with any of these changes. This way, you will not get into problems when it’s time to apply for or renew your membership.

In order to receive timely updates through the text messaging option, you have to make sure you include the correct and working cell phone number in your application for the Global Entry, SENTRI, or NEXUS programs. You can use the program’s website or through customer assistance. Others prefer to use trackers for seamless and up-to-date notifications.

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